The Benefits of Playing Sports

Getting a child involved in sports has positive physical, psychological, and social effects, although, not every kid is interested in playing sports for a variety of reasons. Some kids are shy, some lack self-esteem, some have physical obstacles to overcome, some may not be disciplined enough, some may be short on patience or perseverance. Those are all valid issues. There is, however, one thing that addresses them all: participation in sports.

Documenting Your Family Through the Years

There was a time when video cameras were extremely expensive, enormously bulky, and a rarity for the average person. It’s only in the last 10-15 years that photos and video became ubiquitously available to everyone via phones and tablets, and that’s a fortunate and fun development for kids.

Making and Keeping New Year’s Resolutions with Kids

Many people start each year by making New Year’s resolutions. As adults, we often resolve to do something on January 1, and then feel we’ve failed if we don’t follow through as the year progresses. Resolutions are a wonderful idea at any age, although, if adults have difficulty keeping them, children may find resolutions even more troublesome. How can parents introduce children to the idea of New Year’s resolutions, without pressuring them or setting them up for failure?

Reviewing the Year with Your Kids

Adults often use the end of the year as a time to take stock; to see what went right and wrong during the previous 12 months. Evaluating the past can be useful for kids as well as adults. Parents and children can discuss events of the past year to determine a course for the future.

5 Ways to Encourage Children to Do Community Service

Good citizenship is a value which children will carry with them into adulthood. Most schools do not integrate the Six Pillars of Character—trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship—into their curriculum as we do at Heritage Elementary School. These values are crucial to the development of happy and responsible children who will become quality citizens as adults.

Frankenstein Friday

There are too few occasions in which parents can have fun with their children while teaching them valuable life lessons. October 28 will be one of those opportunities.

Harvest Fest

Our annual celebration of autumn takes place on Friday, October 21, from 5-7 p.m. Join us for an evening of games and prizes at this fun family event.


Dictionary (noun): a reference book that contains words listed in alphabetical order and that gives information about the words’ meanings, forms, pronunciations, etc.

Striving in Science

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” – Carl Sagan, astronomer and writer

Science can be both a favorite and feared class. The hands-on nature of experimentation and wonder created through discovery of the world can mesmerize and fascinate students. By the same token, the specialized vocabulary and associated concepts can trip students up and alienate the curiosity the course and subjects covered can inspire.

Building Necessary Reading Skills

Reading comprehension is a skill that follows children throughout their entire lives. Decoding and understanding text happens everywhere, even in our digital world. Help your child improve his/her comprehension and reading fluency.