Enroll Your Child in Full-Day Kindergarten

At Heritage Elementary School, we believe that high-quality early childhood education is essential for a strong academic foundation. We are a tuition-free charter school offering strong academics, sports programs, and extracurricular activities that will get your child excited about school.

Celebrating Presidents’ Day – A National Tradition

Many kids spend the third Monday of February sleeping in late and enjoying a day off from school. With an extended weekend in the future, it’s a perfect time to explain to your children the full history about Presidents’ Day. We can help you get started:

Love of Reading Week, February 12-16

Join us for a celebration of books during our Love of Reading Week. Heritage Elementary invites parents, guardians, and grandparents to bring their favorite book or two and share the adventure of bringing books to life.

Creating a Grammar Wall With Your Children

When it comes to learning the details of language, math or science, there is no reason why your children should look at this as a chore. Creating a grammar wall at home is an opportunity to make learning more like a favorite game. Here are some artistic and exciting ways to get started.

How to Write a Letter to Your Future Adult Child

Kids grow up fast and parents often get too caught up in daily activities to think about their child’s future. Writing down all your experiences, hopes, and lessons for your future adult child will help give them a better understanding of how you were at that age and what they should expect in the coming years. Your child is young now, but what do you want to tell them when they become an adult?

Fitness for Kids

Exercise keeps kids physically and mentally healthy. Children need at least one hour of physical activity a day to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Getting active improves the immune system, makes bones stronger, and decreases risks of diseases later in life. Starting exercise at a young age can prevent certain types of cancers and will help blood pressure and bone density in the future. From rollerblading to joining a sports team, there are many options to get kids out and about.

Giving Back Year-Round

The holiday season is often called the season of giving. We remind our children that it is important to give to others less fortunate than us around Thanksgiving and Christmas because not everyone gets presents or has warm clothes to wear in the cold months. Parents can carry on the season of giving and make it a year-round occasion that kids will look forward to.

5 Ways to Eat Healthy

Eating healthy is essential for kids’ growth and physical development. The right nutrients help to gain more energy, improve mental performance, and boost the immune system. Just saying “avoid junk food” is not enough to convince kids to make healthy choices. These tips for healthy eating will get you and your child on the right path.

Teaching Kids the Dangers of Smoking

On the third Thursday of every November, smokers around the nation come together to take part in the American Cancer Society Great American Smokeout. This event challenges smokers to quit using tobacco products and provides them with resources to stay away. Tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the world, which is why the Great American Smokeout remains an important event.

History Of Halloween

What do you think of when you hear the word Halloween? Eating an endless amount of treats, playing scary pranks, or carving giant pumpkins may pop into your mind. October 31 brings a day full of costumes and trick-or-treating. But why do we celebrate Halloween? This spooky holiday dates far back and has changed quite a bit over the years.

Discoverer’s Day

The second Monday in October is a U.S. holiday celebrating the discovery of the New World. Discoverer’s Day, also known as Columbus Day, acknowledges Christopher Columbus’ finding of America, as well as the other important early explorers that came after him. Additional notable voyagers include Lewis and Clark, James Cook, Henry Hudson, and Amerigo Vespucci.