We are deep into summertime! This means days of play, entertainment and good BBQ.
All things fun put aside, remember there are obstacles that come with summer that can be avoided. Here are some tips to make your break away from school carefree and joyous.
Sunscreen can never be overdone
Make sure everyone is ready with at least a 15 SPF lotion or spray. Nothing is worse than a sunburn during the Arizona summer. Whether it’s a short walk or an all-day outing, sunscreen is a necessity. Have some on-hand at all times, as last minute plans usually call for it.
Keeping your cool around water
Be aware and actively supervise children in and around water, giving them undivided attention. Designate a person to always be alert and on watch. Make sure children swim with adults. Swimming aids such as water wings or noodles are fun toys for kids, but should not be relied on as lifesavers. Learn CPR and always use your best judgment around water.
Firing up the grill
Position the grill well away from any structures and overhanging branches. Make sure that when another shrimp is thrown on the barbie there is a safe distance between the grill and play areas. Keep children and pets away from the grill area by declaring a “no one but the chef is allowed here” zone. Keep all matches and lighters away from children.
Have a great time and make safe memories!