We know back-to-school can be a busy, stressful time for parents and students, so here is some helpful information and suggestions to make it a little less frantic.
One way to ease the anxiety of transitioning into this school year can be chatting with your child. By encouraging them to talk about their feelings and experiences, and keeping an open line of communication they will be more comfortable sharing with you. This will make them feel like their opinions matter and are important. Plus talking about the things happening at school is a great way to connect with children.
Help relieve the stress of this time of year on your child by making sure they are eating well and getting enough sleep. Making sure they’re following a healthy diet will help them shift back into the groove more smoothly.
Try starting a family calendar to keep everyone organized as we begin our back-to-school schedules. Keeping it on a convenient place for the whole family, like the refrigerator or somewhere else in the kitchen, can help remind everyone of upcoming school events, appointments, and deadlines. Plus in the kitchen you’ll see it in the mornings when you have breakfast and can quickly jot down new meeting dates. You can also mark gym days and other regular events in a particular way to remind everyone. Penciling in due dates for assignments can help keep kids on track with homework and projects as well.
Another suggestion is designating a homework spot. Ideally it would be a clean flat surface with good lighting and no distractions. Also keeping a shoebox, basket or other container with homework supplies nearby will cut down on searches for pencils and erasers, and other potential procrastination methods.
The school supplies list has been posted on our website—HESwilliams.org—under the “Parents” drop down. Please note that we are asking all students to bring the bolded items at the top in addition to the grade-appropriate items on the list. We are also asking for your assistance with stocking the Health Office as well. In addition to the listed items, any donations of arm slings and splints for children would be greatly appreciated.
And, finally, as a friendly reminder, remember the Heritage Elementary uniform code. Solid-color polo shirts in white, navy blue and red (not maroon) can be worn with navy or khaki bottoms: slacks, shorts, jumpers, capris, and skirts. Clothing should not be excessively baggy or too tight.
We look forward to another successful year here at Heritage Elementary School Williams!