There is no better time than summer for your children to take up a new activity to keep their brains busy. Help them think of something they are passionate about and run with it. Is it horses? Take the reins and start horseback riding. Are they into clothes and fashion? Give sewing a try. You could be raising the next big designer!

Whatever your children choose to start as a new hobby, we’ve got five simple steps for doing it successfully:

  1. Read up and learn as much as possible. Try to find workshops or classes to attend (the library or parks and recreation have a lot to offer).
  2. Find inspiration on the internet. This will help your child get even more crafty ideas about his or her new hobby.
  3. Set up dedicated space and time for the new hobby. Maybe make a schedule to practice it for at least one hour every day.
  4. Start the hobby and have your child make a promise to stick with it. Teach them to not be a quitter. This might cause challenges, but just work through them and always tell your child, “Do the best you can.”
  5. Once your child finishes something or gets over his or her first hurdle…tell them to show off! Let them be proud of their results, and others will be, too!

You and your children will find that a new hobby enables motivation, which can be exciting. Instead of watching re-runs all summer long, encourage your children to get out there and learn how to do something new.