A Good Time to Set Goals for the New Year

Sometimes New Year resolutions seem silly. People don’t keep them and then make jokes about not being able to stick to their resolve.

But one of the things we teach our students at Heritage is the importance of setting goals and then taking the steps necessary to meet them. That is essentially what a resolution is: a goal for a brand new year.

Why We Have a Dress Code

When you think about it, most (if not all) schools have a dress code. In many schools it is just a long list of what NOT to wear. But such lists can be hard to interpret and labor-intensive to enforce.

Here are some good reasons that we have standardized school clothing:

Campaign Ads and Election Time Present Teachable Moments

In school and at home we teach our kids about the values of respect, fairness and caring. We encourage treating others like we would like to be treated. We ask them to be honest and to not use hurtful language. We encourage them to be cooperative, friendly and helpful.

So what do we say when campaign ads pop up that present negative language or have hurtful meanings, as they are doing with increasing frequency and ferocity at this time of year? You can’t avoid them. And you can’t really explain them very well either without talking to our kids about how mean and dishonest some adults can be. Can you imagine letting school elections deteriorate to that kind of name-calling and small mindedness?

Recognizing Anti-Bully Month: Show Your Respect

October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month. This is the perfect time for all of us—students, teachers and parents—to be more aware of current efforts to reduce and prevent bullying. Our character trait for October is respect, making this issue even timelier. For the whole month, campus-wide, we will be having special activities centered on standing up to bullying and creating a hate-free atmosphere.

Parent Involvement is Key to Success

It used to be that kids went to school, dads worked and moms stayed at home. Once in a while, mom might bake cupcakes for a school party, but she probably didn’t attend it. Parents didn’t decorate doors and bulletin boards, serve on committees or volunteer in the classroom. MAYBE they helped with homework; but even that used to be way less common. Homework was the child’s responsibility.

A special letter to HES Williams Parents from Superintendent

Dear Parents,

We know you have options when it comes to your child’s education, and I want to thank you for partnering with us. We truly value our students and parents and believe that all children have the ability to be successful both in and outside our school.

Get ready for Galileo Benchmarks September 15-19

Can you believe we are already into our second month of school? As the saying goes, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” Now that we are entering September, we are excited to start the first round of Galileo Benchmarks for 2nd to 8th grade. This assessment system supports an array of technology-based instruction, educator effectiveness, and easy-to-learn tools that implement Common Core Standards. It is designed to benefit all students in achievement and help our teachers successfully and innovatively educate their students.

Giving our teachers a pat on the back

If you ask your child what makes him or her successful at our school, he or she will probably tell you about our excellent teachers. What students take away from a successful education usually centers around a strong connection with teachers who inspire them to achieve their dreams.

Teach and Enrich: Our plan to utilize Beyond Textbooks

This year, Heritage is proud to begin using Beyond Textbooks. As Common Core standards are further implemented across the state, we are rising to meet the challenge. We want to help our students succeed by introducing this innovative program.