Founded in 1911, The National T.T.T. Society (or Tri-T, which stands for its members’ time, talents, and treasures) is a non-profit, philanthropic organization of women whose focus is on providing an educational camping experience for girls who might not otherwise have the opportunity.

Each year, T.T.T. sends hundreds of girls who have finished the fourth grade to accredited, T.T.T.-approved summer camps, owned and operated by organizations such as the YMCA, Girl Scouts, 4-H, and various church groups.

Chapters of T.T.T. meet at least nine times a year to raise funds for clothes, equipment, and supplies needed for camp. T.T.T. maintains a national fund to pay the camp admissions for each camper.

The T.T.T. chapter affiliated with Heritage is seeking new members and new funds. Tax-deductible donations can be made to the local chapter to help send Heritage girls to camp. Contact the front office or go to the National T.T.T. Society’s website for more information.

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