Not All Heroes Wear Capes: Recognizing the Six Pillars of Character
GLENDALE, AZ (09/14/16) – Heritage Elementary School invites the police community of Glendale to campus for an event recognizing their service. On September 29 at 9 a.m., students will thank officers with an event called Not All Heroes Wear Capes, during which a representative from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office will present to the students.
The event centers on an integral aspect of the school’s curriculum, the Six Pillars of Character. Students are taught the values of caring, respect, fairness, trustworthiness, responsibility, and citizenship in order to bolster their academic education and emerge from primary school with a solid foundation for their future. Every year, Heritage strives to recognize examples of community service, and this year the school will do so by honoring police officers.
“At Heritage, we strongly believe that a fully rounded education includes focus on family values,” says Principal Justin Dye. “Not All Heroes Wear Capes is an opportunity for our students to connect with those who protect them every day. We are excited to invite police officers to campus and allow students to express what they have learned along with their gratitude.”
Each grade will present the police officers with crafts representing a specific character pillar. Students will also participate in a contest to decide who from their class is selected to deliver an explanation of each pillar and how it is exemplified by police officers.
In 2015, Heritage students recognized servicemen by sending personal letters and care packages to U.S. troops. This year’s special event is an opportunity for the students to thank police officers for setting an outstanding example of each of the six character pillars, so highly valued by Heritage Elementary students and staff. Any, and all, police officers throughout the community are invited and encourage to attend.
For more information about Heritage Elementary Glendale, visit
About Heritage Elementary School
Heritage Elementary School, founded in 2002, is one of Arizona’s fastest-growing charter school systems. The tuition-free, character-based charter school is home to two campuses, one in Glendale and one in Williams, and serves more than 1,000 students in preschool through eighth grade. Both the Glendale and Williams locations offer bus/van transportation. Raena Janes, an active, award-winning advocate for Arizona education and charter schools, is the founder and charter holder. Visit the school’s website at