You’ve probably heard the buzz around campus about our greenhouse project. On March 20, we will officially unveil the Tyre Butler Memorial Greenhouse, dedicated to one of our students who will be forever remembered fondly. The greenhouse will be used for educational (and fun!) hands-on projects that will help our students learn science and math principles and valuable life skills.

Here are a few ways this new interactive learning space will help our students grow as they make plants grow!

  1. Create “budding” Arizona green thumbs. Students will have to research and select plants that do well in our unique Arizona climate. The history and origin of plants and knowledge of different soil types will be taught. Students will develop environmental awareness leading to an appreciation of our natural world.
  2. Make a “living” science classroom. Too many students grow up indoors where their imaginations subsist on computer and video games. Many have no idea where food actually comes from. Students will observe the cycle of plant life from seed to table, possibly becoming more interested in cooking and healthful eating.
  3. Show the practicality of math skills. By using the greenhouse to chart and document plant growth; weigh and measure plants; determine prices to sell plants and herbs; and chart profits earned, the greenhouse will teach practical life skills.
  4. Reward problem solving and persistence. Students will learn that life often involves trial and error and problem solving, and that effort yields results. In this case, it will be results they can see on a daily basis!
  5. Motivate community effort. Caring for something over time creates independence, interest and personal investment. Plus, a community project encourages teamwork.