Arizona law allows you to reduce what you owe in state taxes, dollar for dollar, up to $400. It’s a win/win!
Heritage Elementary School has been selected to represent schools across the nation by participating in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Our students will be given an assessment on mathematics, reading or science on February 3, 2015. We encourage everyone to try their best and get plenty of rest the night before.
Today is the last day to purchase tickets for our PJ’s and Pizza Lock-in!
December 5th, from From 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. we are having a “lock-in”, a safe way to have a unique sleepover with friends from school!
The AzMERIT is the new adopted statewide achievement test. The Arizona Department of Education has created a letter to parents to inform them of the new change. Click below to see the Letter to Parents.
October is National Substance Abuse Prevention Month, making it the perfect time for all of us—students, teachers and parents—to raise awareness and focus on being drug free! During Red Ribbon Week, we will be having all sorts of activities to show our support in saying no to drugs or alcohol.
This year is the 2nd Annual Fall Parade! We invite you to join us on October 31st at 10 a.m. to watch your student in the parade. This year’s theme is children’s books. We can’t wait to see our favorite children’s books come to life.
Dear Parents,
We know you have options when it comes to your child’s education, and I want to thank you for partnering with us. We truly value our students and parents and believe that all children have the ability to be successful both in and outside our school.
Check out our photos from Grandparent’s Day. It was an awesome day! We had a packed house – over 200 visitors, all with smiling faces! Thank you everyone for helping out and being flexible with the packed lunch room. I hope everyone had a great time!
We are proud to say we are a “B” school, ranked by the Arizona Department of Education.
As we grow, we continue to reach for the “A” grade.
All grandparents are invited to enjoy a special, healthy meal and celebration with their grandchildren at Heritage.
If you ask your child what makes him or her successful at our school, he or she will probably tell you about our excellent teachers. What students take away from a successful education usually centers around a strong connection with teachers who inspire them to achieve their dreams.
Help our school and help your child win an iPad!
A fundraiser for the most fun classes
Special classes are important. They’re a reward when students are doing well and a motivator when they need a boost. Arts develop imagination, music teaches perseverance, computers are the future, PE keeps them healthy. These fun, enriching classes need your help.