Lunch Applications are Available

Reduced-cost lunch program applications are now available in the school office. Anyone can apply to be considered for the reduced-cost lunch program.

The front office is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Feel free to stop by and fill out an application for the reduced lunch program.

As a friendly reminder to parents, please be aware that lunch or lunch money will need to be provided until the application is approved. If you applied last year, a new application needs to be filled out this year.

Download Lunch Application

Summer’s Heating Up! Check Out These 8 Things to Do…On a Budget

Summer break can get expensive; the key word in this sentence is CAN. There are so many ways to keep children’s minds and bodies actively entertained while they are off school for the next few months. And enjoying fun-filled summer break activities does not mean having to empty your wallet.

Simple Summer Project

Hello Heritage Parents! We hope you and your kids are enjoying a safe and happy summer so far. If you’re looking for a little something to help keep the kids occupied and at the same time get their brains going as we move into summer break, try this simple summer writing project.

Year-End Update

May 19 is Graduation Day!

  • Kindergarten Graduation: 9 a.m.
  • Preschool Graduation: 1 p.m.
  • 8th Grade Graduation: 6 p.m.

Parent Survey: Your Voice Matters

At Heritage Elementary School, we want to make sure every student is provided the best educational opportunities in a safe and friendly school atmosphere. Your satisfaction is important to us. Please take a moment to share your feedback with us by answering a few questions in this parent survey.

Join the Fun: May Color Run!

When: Saturday, May 9, starting at 9 a.m.

Where: Heritage Elementary Glendale Campus

Entry Fee: $20 Adults, $10 Kids
Includes a tee-shirt, water bottle and run/walk number
All proceeds support Heritage Elementary School’s Glendale Campus

Bonus: Enroll for HES Glendale Summer Camp here!
Discounts available for early registration.

Show your true colors and be true to your school…take part in our family-friendly color run! Walkers/runners in white tee-shirts get tie-dyed with brilliant pops of color, while all proceeds from the fun support our school.

Summer is Almost Here!

April 25: Early Registration Day for Summer Camp

May 20: Last Day for Students

Spring is in full swing and believe it or not, the end of the school year is right around the corner! If you’re wondering how to keep your child busy, active, and free from summertime brain drain over the summer, one simple solution is the Heritage Elementary School Summer Camp.

Spread the Word about Heritage (and Enrollathon)!

As everyone knows, our big enrollathon/carnival event is March 20th. The flyer asked you to invite someone to come see what Heritage has to offer. This raises an interesting principle that private schools have known for a long time: current families are important marketers of the school. This applies to charter schools, too because families choose us.

Plant a Garden and Watch the Learning Grow

You’ve probably heard the buzz around campus about our greenhouse project. On March 20, we will officially unveil the Tyre Butler Memorial Greenhouse, dedicated to one of our students who will be forever remembered fondly. The greenhouse will be used for educational (and fun!) hands-on projects that will help our students learn science and math principles and valuable life skills.

A Good Time to Set Goals for the New Year

Sometimes New Year resolutions seem silly. People don’t keep them and then make jokes about not being able to stick to their resolve.

But one of the things we teach our students at Heritage is the importance of setting goals and then taking the steps necessary to meet them. That is essentially what a resolution is: a goal for a brand new year.

Why We Have a Dress Code

When you think about it, most (if not all) schools have a dress code. In many schools it is just a long list of what NOT to wear. But such lists can be hard to interpret and labor-intensive to enforce.

Here are some good reasons that we have standardized school clothing: