School News

Get ready for Galileo Benchmarks September 15-19

Can you believe we are already into our second month of school? As the saying goes, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” Now that we are entering September, we are excited to start the first round of Galileo Benchmarks for 2nd to 8th grade. This assessment system supports an array of technology-based instruction, educator effectiveness, and easy-to-learn tools that implement Common Core Standards. It is designed to benefit all students in achievement and help our teachers successfully and innovatively educate their students.

Giving our teachers a pat on the back

If you ask your child what makes him or her successful at our school, he or she will probably tell you about our excellent teachers. What students take away from a successful education usually centers around a strong connection with teachers who inspire them to achieve their dreams.

Teach and Enrich: Our plan to utilize Beyond Textbooks

This year, Heritage is proud to begin using Beyond Textbooks. As Common Core standards are further implemented across the state, we are rising to meet the challenge. We want to help our students succeed by introducing this innovative program.

Welcome back!

Summer break has now come to its bittersweet end. School resumed on the Heritage Elementary Williams Campus on Monday, July 28th, and the time to make the 2014-15 school year productive has arrived.

A key preparation for starting a new school year should be getting your children organized. Teachers and staff at Heritage Elementary are already prepared and ready to go with the years plans. Now is the time for parents and students to all be on the same path.

The Heritage Advantage

We are always looking for ways in which to improve academic achievement, especially in the areas of reading and mathematics. According to recent research, programs that were designed to enhance social and emotional support among children also improved academic performance.

Show some love to your library!

Have you been to the library lately? The teachers and staff at Heritage are focused on the importance of preparing for AIMS testing as well as honing students’ skills in math and reading. This can extend to non-school hours, too! Local libraries are a great resource for parents and students in both regards.

‘Every Day Counts’ in school

We are in the midst of our best weather of the year and summer vacation is just around the corner. Though the school year is coming to a close, we wanted to remind parents that attendance in these last few weeks are just as important as it is at the beginning of the year.

Munching on math

AIMS – yes, it’s that time of year again. Even though this is the last year that AIMS tests will be given in our schools, students still need to be fully prepared. One of the best things you can do is make sure your student is well-rested and has a good breakfast on testing days.

Headed into testing season

It’s hard to believe that March is already here, with spring officially just around the corner. For schools, that means testing season! In about a month, we will be giving AIMS tests to our students for the last time. Next school year, a new test will be given that’s designed to show how well students have learned new “Career and Career Ready Standards,” which used to be called “Common Core.”

What about that “second R” – writing?

This month, we’ve had the pleasure of welcoming members of our community, community leaders and personalities as well as family members for “Love of Reading Week.” It’s always a thrill to see a student connect with a book reader and discover a whole new world. But what about that “second R” in the “Reading, ’Riting and ’Rithmetic” – writing?

Children thrive with mentors

You may already know that I’m a big believer in mentoring. A few years ago, I took a dynamic woman under my wing as her mentor and now, Jackie Trujillo-Watins is our superintendent. It has been a thrill watching her growth in the administration of our schools over the years. I am convinced that through coaching, modeling and mentoring, everyone becomes more invested in creating a united team. At some point as a mentor, you allow your “students” to stretch their wings, take risks and try new things. Along the way, you’re there to advise them as they explore their new world.