
5 Ways to Encourage Children to Do Community Service

Good citizenship is a value which children will carry with them into adulthood. Most schools do not integrate the Six Pillars of Character—trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship—into their curriculum as we do at Heritage Elementary School. These values are crucial to the development of happy and responsible children who will become quality citizens as adults.

Heritage’s 4th Annual Thanksgiving Feast

On Tuesday, November 22, Heritage will be hosting our annual Thanksgiving Feast, a free event for students, friends, and family. Join us for turkey with all the trimmings. Donations of food, or your time, will be happily accepted.

Heritage Helping Hands Penny War

Heritage classes will be competing to raise money for the homeless, November 3-17, with the winning class earning a pasta lunch party. Your spare change goes a long way towards making a difference.

Frankenstein Friday

There are too few occasions in which parents can have fun with their children while teaching them valuable life lessons. October 28 will be one of those opportunities.

Rollero Family Night

Let the good times roll at Rollero Family Night, our second Heritage Family Night of the year. Join us Thursday, November 3, from 5-8 p.m., at Rollero Family Skating Center.

Winter Sports Tryouts

Come tryout for Heritage’s winter sports teams! Tryouts for Girls Softball will take place November 1-3, and Boys Basketball tryouts will be November 1-4.


Dictionary (noun): a reference book that contains words listed in alphabetical order and that gives information about the words’ meanings, forms, pronunciations, etc.

31st Extreme Carnival

On October 31, from 6:30–8:30 p.m., Turning Leaf Community Church is sponsoring its 31st Extreme Carnival, an alternative Halloween event. It is free and open to the public, featuring bounce castles, games, food, and much more. Stop by and enjoy this family-friendly evening of fun and games.

Heritage Zoo

The theme of this year’s annual fall parade is Heritage Zoo. On Monday, October 31, at 10 a.m., parents are invited to see all classes dress up like zoo animals and compete for the best costumes. The winning classes will be selected by a panel of local celebrity judges. Bring your family, friends, and a chair and join us for this creative and inspired annual tradition.

Striving in Science

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” – Carl Sagan, astronomer and writer

Science can be both a favorite and feared class. The hands-on nature of experimentation and wonder created through discovery of the world can mesmerize and fascinate students. By the same token, the specialized vocabulary and associated concepts can trip students up and alienate the curiosity the course and subjects covered can inspire.

Not All Heroes Wear Capes

This year’s Character Counts Assembly, Not All Heroes Wear Capes, will honor police officers on September 29 at 9 a.m. The school-wide assembly will have one student from each grade speak about the value and importance of the Six Pillars of Character as exemplified by police officers. A contest will be held to determine whom from each class is selected to present.

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